The Death of Coal?

In 2009, nearly 15,000 megawatts of proposed coal fired power plants were canceled.

To put that in perspective, that would represent about a third of all electricity generating capacity of a state the size of California. 

Car Club Goes Green

In 2006, Australia’s National Roads and Motorists’ Association (NRMA) released a study about dependence on oil “down under.”

Who is the Girlie Man Now?

As mudslides on the west coast and an epic blizzard on the east coast competed for news coverage last week, nothing could dim the glow of an economic report that contained a remarkable conclusion: Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick is trying to make California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger look like a carbon girlie man.

One Step Ahead of the Carbon Cops

What was it that Joe Friday in the old radio and TV show “Dragnet” used to say? “Just the facts, ma’am, just the facts.” 

Oh No, “Clean” Coal?!

January 27, 2010, was a significant day for me: President Obama delivered his first State of the Union Address and I posted a PowerPoint presentation, The Truth About “Clean” Coal, on our organization’s website. It started out as a good day—a major project was completed at last and I got to soak in some good …

Made in America

Growing up in the 1950s, “Made in Japan” was synonymous with “cheap junk.”

The Investor Game of Chicken

Last week several hundred investors huddled together at the UN with government officials and non-profit groups to discuss one thing – – carbon.