Health for the Whole Earth

Our Thriving Lands, Waters and Wildlife program is designed to fill in gaps and provide resources for efforts to protect threatened ecosystems, recognizing the link between climate; conservation; and the health and well-being of all living things. We seek out and implement bold, novel ideas and solutions that can be replicated and leveraged in order to make greater impact before “points of no return” are reached for species and the climate. Through advocacy and education we strive to contribute to the goal of ending the extinction crisis and protecting our wild lands and waters to support the collective health of the Whole Earth.
Below are our current Thriving Lands, Waters and Wildlife projects:
Protecting Our Waters for Environmental Justice: Multi-Benefit Stormwater Management Practices Database
Stormwater is water that is generated by rain or snow melt. Stormwater runoff is excess stormwater that is not absorbed into the land but runs over the land, into a nearby waterway. Untreated stormwater can be dangerous because it picks up oils from cars,pesticides from plants, bacteria, detergents from washing cars, or really anything dumped or dropped on the ground. As untreated stormwater makes its way to rivers, lakes and oceans, it can pollute the water, creating unhealthy water conditions. In Los Angeles County alone, over one billion gallons of treated wastewater is discharged to the Pacific Ocean each day, along with billions of gallons more from storm drains during wet weather events.
The deployment of multi-benefit stormwater management projects can help address these issues. In the Multi-Benefit Stormwater Management Practices Database, 7GA compiled cost-effective stormwater management project examples that improve water quality, reduce local pollution, and increase local water supplies. The overarching goal is to share lessons learned and help in the adoption of these practices specifically in disadvantaged communities and help guide them to financing options. The deployment of multi-benefit stormwater management projects can address a multitude of environmental justice issues. . Click here to access the database and for more details.

In 2021, 7GA was recruited to assist AltaSea, to assess and evaluate their operations and help to make recommendations for its future activities. AltaSea, located at the Port of Los Angeles is dedicated to accelerating scientific collaboration, advancing an emerging blue economy through business innovation and job creation, and inspiring the next generation, all for a more sustainable, just and equitable world. Click here for more details.
First Nations Collaboration
7GA engages with the Wishtoyo Chumash Foundation in its efforts to protect, restore, and communicate Native American cultural heritage in California and beyond. Our team serves on boards and advisory committees for Wishtoyo, helping them build the Chumash Village and protect their ancient tribal rights on the Utom River. SGA also works closely with the Black Mesa Trust of the Hopi people who are fighting to restore and protect their water sources. Click here for more details.
Chimps In Need
7GA continues to host a Donor Advised Fund to support the animals at Southern California’s Wildlife Waystation. After 40 years of caring for abandoned and surrendered exotic and domestic animals, the Wildlife Waystation closed its doors in early 2019.
- The fund helps offset the costs for vital veterinary care, feeding and housing for the wild animals that are still at the Wildlife Waystation.
- We have successfully raised over $2,155,060 to feed and maintain these chimps and to ultimately fund their relocation to accredited sanctuaries in other states. For more information or to make a donation please visit: