Our Work

The fight for a sustainable planet is running out of time, whether we measure greenhouse gas concentration and related impacts; habitat loss and species extinctions; growing volumes of plastic pollution and toxins in our watersheds and coastlines; or the broad result of eco-illiteracy on our politics and personal habits.

In 2023, 7GA is continuing to work on tangible solutions to the challenges we are facing, including disseminating vital information to improve water quality in our cities, delivering clean energy to remote and disadvantaged communities, and advancing eco-literacy in the US and abroad. 

To carry out our work and mission, we:

  • Provide expertise and guidance: To decision-makers in government, business, non-profit, academia, and other stakeholders (based on our team’s deep expertise in each of these sectors) on environmental policies that address the urgent need to take action. This work spans from sharing knowledge to designing and implementing new projects.
  • Partner: With non-profit organizations and other key stakeholders on campaigns and initiatives that utilize bold tactics, including creative communications, value added project management, fundraising and investor education/outreach (based on our experience with environmental advocacy and celebrity empowerment/engagement, among other relevant skills).
  • Research and Educate: We educate through speeches, op-eds, books, and blogs (including numerous widely published books and op-ed contributions through social media and news outlets).
  • Support and Coordinate: As advisors we are uniquely positioned to serve as a hub of facilitation and support for our partners and and projects.

Our current programs include:

Thriving Climate

Thriving Waters, Lands and Wildlife

Thriving Societies

Special Purpose Funds


For information on our Special Purpose Funds services please contact us directly.

We are now seeking support and new partners to continue these important sustainability initiatives. Please click here to read more about our Mission and Goals.