Shipping and ports are significant sources of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and air pollution, emitting as much CO2 as Germany. Its impacts are global, with air pollution from ships contributing to an estimated 250,000 premature deaths and 6.4 million cases of childhood asthma worldwide each year according to the Ocean Conservancy.

While the industry has committed to reducing its environmental impact, progress towards a 1.5°C scenario by 2050 has been slow due to various barriers.
We have created a library of resources that feature case studies that show successful efforts to decarbonize the worlds ports. Please see below for an initial list of these resources.
We are also assisting the Catalytic Finance Foundation in identifying and supporting potential projects for the newly formed Port Decarbonization Fund. If you are interested in submitting to the Fund please complete the following application:
Catalytic Finance Foundation Submission Form