In 2024 7GA continued to focus on supporting efforts to build a sustainable “blue economy” in California.
7GA did this by messaging about the potential our ocean has to provide solutions to some of the most pressing environmental challenges. 7GA also did this through our partnership with the non-profit AltaSea. Together we created a coalition to educate policymakers and stakeholders on the ocean’s potential in 3 specific areas:
- To generate clean and renewable power (offshore wind, wave and tidal energy)
- Regenerative Ocean Farming (specifically kelp and oysters)
- Carbon capture from the ocean

In addition to working with AltaSea, 7GA also worked closely with the Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) which advances high-potential, high-impact energy technologies that are too early for private-sector investment.
Our work with them specifically focused on renewable energy opportunities in the ocean. In Spring, we helped ARPA-E host a Friends of ARPA-E webinar about maritime energy and technologies related to water usage.
Through our continued work with AltaSea we are working to demonstrate the potential for Regenerative Ocean Farming as a sustainable solution to reduce GHG emissions.
Regenerative Ocean Farming has the potential to contribute to many sustainable applications such as a food source, biofuels, pharmaceuticals and industrial materials.
AltaSea has been a leader in research and development of a Regenerative Ocean Farming industry in California since its inception in 2014. Click on the following links to view our webinars on Regenerative Ocean Farming and Wave and Tidal energy – both brought together experts in the field and provided an opportunity for key stakeholders to learn more about these emerging topics.
As part of our effort to educate legislators and other stakeholders about the potential of our oceans to provide solutions, in partnership with AltaSea we conducted a webinar called Oceans of Potential- A Look at Marine Carbon Management Today.
The webinar was a conversation between researchers, practitioners and experts in the mCDR (marine Carbon Dioxide Removal) space and ocean carbon management space. Discussions included the extraordinary potential of, and near-term roadmap for, ocean carbon management in California. A recording of the webinar can be accessed here.