Copenhagen Coal in the Stocking

As a kid in Milwaukee, my parents told me that Santa would leave coal in my stocking if I was naughty.

As the post mortem of Copenhagen is written, was it a lump of coal in our 2009 holiday stocking – – or could this global chunk of carbon actually be a diamond in the rough?

Chicken or Egg– Health Care or Climate Change?

President Obama, who will personally participate in the Copenhagen climate talks this week, said last Sunday that he expects to get a health care bill on his desk before Christmas.

The Governors Are Coming

What do a thousand jailed demonstrators, President Obama, a dozen Fortune 100 CEOs, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, and a melting ice sculpture of a polar bear have in common?  

Girls (and Boys) Gone Wild in Copenhagen

Of the estimated 20,000 people converging on the UN climate conference this week and next, half of them are expected to be under the age of 30. My colleague in Copenhagen, Kristina Haddad, reports…

View From Copenhagen: The Zero Sum Game

The deal being discussed in Denmark right now, in the name of climate change, is actually a framework for truth in advertising on a global economic scale. Think FASB on steroids.

What Do 100-Year-Old Grandmas Worry About?

My wife’s grandmother, Sadie, will turn 103 next month.

Of all the things that might concern or interest her, she lay awake the other night worried that world leaders won’t solve the climate crisis before it’s too late.

December 19

Tens of thousands of modern-day crusaders, charlatans, Nobel laureates, CEOs, quick-buck artists, earnest politicians, and assorted movie extras of every conceivable socio-political-ethnic-economic background will descend on Copenhagen for the next three weeks to participate in an orgy of carbon-bashing and flag-waving.  

Jon Stewart vs. Al Gore

Last week Jon Stewart interviewed Al Gore on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart about Gore’s new book,Our Choice. (Our Choice is the follow up to An Inconvenient Truth and lays out solutions instead of simply explaining the problem, but please note I have not yet read this book.)  

Why Does Oklahoma Want to Drown New York?

As the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee began hearings on carbon regulation, debate ran along traditional battle lines, but with a new script.

Patterson’s Bold Gamble

California’s state budget gap was about $40 billion this year. New York’s some $50 billion. Every state in the Union is struggling with drastically lower revenues and higher costs for services of every kind, washing state capitals with red ink.